Building Bricks
We want Bristol to be a place where creative and local communities thrive together and are resilient as part of Bristol’s future forever.
Our vision is for Bristol to be a city where artists have a role in the wider public sphere and can make an economy around their practice. Where communities feel connected to the value of their own creativity and can use the visual arts to better see and understand the world, themselves and each other.
If you believe in our vision and can help make it happen, please get in touch or consider supporting us by donation.
Make a donation
Your donation will have a significant impact on a small charity with big ambitions. Support big or small makes a real difference to our work supporting creativity in Bristol.
As a charity, income raised by donation is vital to us delivering our mission and supporting artists living and working in our community.
Support Bricks with a one off donation or regular monthly payment.
Donations are received by Bricks (Charity Number: 1183118) governed by a board of trustees in accordance with our constitution.
Bricks Trading Limited (Company Number: 12359038) is a subsidiary wholly owned by the charity, this manages sales/ purchases from our shop.