
Brick Kiln Court, Easton

Brick Kiln Court, Easton, Bristol

Bricks has been commissioned to deliver a public art programme for people local to the new residential development at Brick Kiln Court in Easton, Bristol.

The programme responds to the historic use of the site as one of the largest collieries in East Bristol and explores themes of energy use, sustainability and the climate crisis.

The commissioned artist was chosen by local people following an open call process and is south-west based Art and Energy Collective.

They were inspired by Brick Kiln Court’s history to create a new touring artwork: The Mossy Carpet. This special artwork is being made in collaboration with people around the UK and seeks to celebrate the small actions we all make to fight against the climate crisis.


The Art and Energy Collective


Juniper Homes

Local Authority

Bristol City Council


Brick Kiln Court, St Gabriel’s Road, Easton, Bristol BS5 0RT

Easton is part of the Mossy Carpet!

On Thursday 15th February, the Art and Energy Collective ran their Mossy Carpet workshops for pre-school children at Raised In Bristol Felix Road Nursery and for children and their families at Eastside Community Trust’s Felix Road Adventure Playground.

Children from the Raised in Bristol Nursery and Felix Road Adventure Playground were brilliant!  We were so pleased they found mosses in the tiniest cracks in pavements and tarmac on site, a little bit of wilderness always present, and we loved the enthusiasm for mossy pompom making for The Mossy Carpet

The Art and Energy Collective

We dodged the rain and basked in the early spring sunshine, learnt about tiny mosses, explored the tiny overlooked plants of our neighbourhood and the importance of small actions to help the planet.  

We made our own mosses from recycled wools and added them to the ever growing national mossy carpet project.

We made promises on the Tardigrade Phone to try to keep doing little things to help the environment.  

The children really enjoyed themselves and were wonderfully engaged in what was explained and demonstrated to them. Being outside, learning and being creative at the same time seemed to capture their interests.

Raised In Bristol Felix Road Nursery

We sat next to each other, told stories and learned how to sew and crochet. We learnt how to BE MORE MOSS and to give more back and take less from the planet!

“The climate and ecological emergencies are the giant of our times, but when we look to nature, we can find hope and new ideas. We know that many people are making changes, these need to be celebrated and shared. That’s where the Mossy Carpet comes in!

Brick Kiln Court, Easton

Brick Kiln Court, Credit Juniper Homes

Commissioned Artists

The Art and Energy Collective have been appointed to deliver this public art programme and will deliver a series of workshops for local children and families in February 2024.

The Art & Energy Collective members smiling
The Art & Energy Collective
Picture By Jim Wileman – 20,000 moths to form creative call for change at COP26
The Mossy Carpet Video – How to Bury the Giant

Site History

Black and white image of St Gabriels Colliery
Easton Colliery, when it was a live working pit
Maps show where the colliery was located in relation to Easton Business Centre today,
Maps show where the colliery was located in relation to Brick Kiln Court today.

Creative Commissioning Group

We have worked with a Creative Commissioning Group made up of local people, a new resident of the development, Easton community members, Bristol City Council and Bricks.

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